Saga de Ammerikka - Houston

On my way to Houston from LA, I had a couple of hours stop over at Denver. As I had been there on my way to LA, I made myself little more familiar with the airport there...

Denver airport does not have Starbucks :( Seattle's Best Coffee is not a bad choice though...

My Houston stay was indeed very full of events. In two weeks of time, we had to finish one of the largest installations with a limited volunteer power. I stayed at Shital's place for first few days but then moved to Devu's place as its very near to mandir.

Installation was a quite fun filled with regular trips to Starbucks and Subways...

StarbucksHoustonStarbucksInside JavaChipHoustonFrappucino StarbucksPolicy
This is why Starbucks is so popular... Customer satisfaction!

One afternoon, we went to a Pelco's road show in Chintu's office. Aashir also joined us in this event.

Just a couple of days before Hurricane Ike struck Houston, I flew to Chicago.

Just at the gate, this model of Space Shuttle rolled back the time by 15 years...