Saga De Ammerikka - 2

After my previous blog entry, I had planned few more before I returned back but time flew so fast that I just had no opportunity. I could not even take enough pictures of my travel this time. But to conclude this series, here is what I could capture.

From NJ, I had a stop over at Darshan’s place and as usual, my Nescafe coffee was replaced by Dunkin’s. While leaving one of his DD stores, I noticed below sticker on the door!DunkinBeatStarbucksjpg
Have a look at

While on our way back from his recently acquired gas station, at a traffic light, I noticed this beautiful Starbucks building…

From Philly, I went to Jacksonville for a day’s stopover and then to Orlando. My Orlando stay was a bit relaxed. One evening, I visited Seaworld with Bhavesh & family.

No, he is not Bhavesh… :)

Major attraction of Seaworld is Manta – the inverted coaster ride… Its so scary… Once you are seated, you are hanging upside down. If I ride it, I am 1000000% sure that world would be less one person even before that ride finishes…

Nirav – Bhavesh’s son had a great fun on Trampoline.

And while Nirav was waiting for his turn to Trampoline, Bhavesh’s another kid Mayur was all set for cute poses…

And I was not the only one taking pictures in Seaworld.

Next day, I left for a two days visit to LA. I did not get any chance to pull out my camera in LA too. On my way back to NJ, I was at Ontario, CA airport waiting for my flight.


I realized in this trip that traveling light was very fun and cost-effective too.

Surprisingly, Ontario airport Terminal 4 does not have any Starbucks :( and I am scared to try any other coffee…

I returned to NJ and though I was staying at Mitulbhai’s place, I did not get any chance to take pictures of his kids. Next day, I left for JFK to catch a flight back home.

I stopped by Doha and it was evening time there.

Starbucks is absent on this airport too. But while loitering through a book store, I noticed a virtual presence of Starbucks anyway…

Its 30 mins past 10pm here. Few hours back, I underwent the dental crown treatment on two teeth. One of these tooth was live and thus to cut it, Dentist injected the anesthesia. Its effect is still dominating my tongue and cheek. Dentist has put temporary crowns on these teeth and since both of them are too brittle, he could not drill them deep enough for ceramic crowns. So, I will end up getting metallic ones. Third tooth is yet very tender and is planned to be crowned in the first week of June.