So confused…

6 years back, in Las Vegas, it was sheer moment, the lust, the look and the temptation… It was indeed irresistible which overpowered all the senses. The first touch was so gentle but equally powerful to bring shivering all over. The night was long and full of adventures. But the result was overwhelmingly joyful. The happiness of the achievement was incredible. The loyalty of this relationship is still intact no matter how the face or the body has changed. Even when there was a significant weight gain or sudden loss of body mass, the bondage has remained strong. Protected or sometimes unprotected, the bedtime ritual is never missed…

But now, this relationship is in a great danger… A temptation has levitated from the west coast which has challenged mere existence of this do-death-us-apart relationship… And it is as powerful or maybe even more than the first one… The few weeks of “safe” interactions have revealed the freedom, the flexibility and the flabbergasting this relationship will bring in… Be they morning whispers or evening exercise, lavish luncheons or delicious dinners, shopping in the malls or sailing in the sky, this new temptation promises interesting experiences which are just absent in the existing one.

Is this an infidelity or a bravery to accept the ever changing demands of the life? Is this a complete surrendering to the senses or to get along with them? Is this an adventure or a mere stupidity? Will it bring everlasting happiness or lifelong pain of a guilty feeling???

So confused…