Saga de Singapura - The Departure

Mar 18 2008:
Its about 2330HRS in Singapore and 2100HRS in India and I am currently in between Singapore and Ahmedabad somewhere flying over Indian Ocean and have just entered Indian territory. In an hour time, the flight will be landing and I thought to blog about all the happenings of past few days.
I am on my way back from Singapore and in three hours time, I will be landing in Ahmedabad.
This afternoon, when I checked in with Singapore Airlines, I chose the tail end seat and avoided any disturbances of fellow passengers when they gather around loo... And very fortunately, I had no companions around and thus, I could use all three seats to my disposal!
Earlier, I flew to Singapore from Ahmedabad on Mar 13. When I reached airport, the airport was full of people and it was so difficult to cut through this dense crowd and to enter the airport building.
The reason for such huge crowd? For each student traveling to Australia/New Zealand, at least 50 relatives would come to send him/her off...
When I reached to the counter, the queue was not long but it took about 45 minutes for me to reach to the counter. The staff was just slow for reason unknown.
My fellow passenger was a grandpa of 71 years who moved to Singapore when he was 6. He happened to know some of my Singapore Indian friends. He and his wife were going back to Singapore after attending some wedding in India. When the drink was served, to my very surprise, he asked for beer and his thirst lasted for three glasses...
When I landed Singapore, it was 0730hrs Singapore time and I headed to friend's place in Geylang. IMG_0100
I know your eyebrows are raised now but his condo was on a very outskirt of Geylang and it was safe enough for me to stay there. You can still continue to be proud of me that I am still ******!!!
I have to stop using laptop now as they announced for the landing. I plan to upload this blog once I reach home. In coming days, I plan to blog about some interesting events of this trip.
Its Mar 19 2008 0027HRS IST when I am about to hit "Publish" button of Windows Live Writer...

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