The social networking...

Ever since I heard of these social networking sites and especially all those abuses happening on those sites, I have been always scared of these sites. I feel very unfit for such networks and despite repeated requests from some of friends, I had been always avoiding even to register to such sites... I remember many years back Anna sent me an invite for Orkut and as it being part of Google, I just logged in to see what exactly it has been. With Dr A, Nishant and Anna being there on my friends list, I hardly even remember that I have that account. When Akshar started being frequent on Orkut, I had a hard time educating him about this stuff...

Just now, I received an invite from Katrina for Facebook and I was very confused on what to do about it. One of my friends is working for Facebook and he is very respected in the industry. So, taking that as an excuse to see what Facebook is actually about, I accepted the invitation and created an account. Forward linking through some of the stuff on that page, I was shocked to see many of known people and many of known group activities happening on this network... I am not against them and I have no problems with whatever is happening there but its very clear that I am not fit for this... I just feel very awkward being there... a kind of very strange feeling as if I am doing something terribly wrong...

It seems these social networking sites have become part and partial of the new generation kids... I remember that once, Yogi told me that he came across my profile on Orkut and Dattu left some "scrap" on my profile and he was upset that I had not responded to his scrap... He further told me that to receive many scraps is like a status symbol and people on those networks look at you with admiration if your friends count is in four digits... I just dont understand this... How can one have 1000+ friends???

Anyway, no need to talk about it so late... Better to EOB now...


anuja said...

Social networking, like every other fad these days, has its own pros and cons. For me, the pros are that I get to meet friends from my school days whom I wd never have gotten in touch with otherwise... Whether you have every other person on you 'friend list' or you chose to flaunt your personal achievements on it, is entirely subjective:) Just my two cents...

Nothing Official Here said...

Thanks Dr A for your view... I appreciate. Still, these networks are scary for person so unsocial like me.