The First...

This is my first post on this blog... I hope blogging here will be very comfortable compared to MSN Live Space. I have always been using Live Space for my blogging as it has a easy way to restrict viewers. As Blogspot too has that facility, I was considering to use this engine for a while. Thanks to P to push me here.

I intend to experiment something here on Blogspot befor the real blogging... this will give me enough confidence to scribble here. I also want to use this engine to sharpen my HTML and widgets skills. It has been a while since I have done actual coding... let this be a way to bring me back to basic!

If you are an experienced blogger here, you may find my blog very premitive, boring, unnecessary, full of errors and just unwanted. If you really find like it, I am happy I am correct. If I am not now, I will be later...

Anyway, enough of myself... Its just not me to keep on talking about me...

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