Be the child...part 1

(This is going to be a three part picture heavy post and I know I have published it in a reverse order. )

Decades ago, the only place to visit in Ahmedabad was Lake Kankaria and the zoo around it... When I was 8, my parents took me there and I still have memories of that trip, especially of Bal Vatika and Nagina Vaadi.

Last weekend, we were destined to be in Rajasthan for three days vacation but somehow, the plan did not materialize. Whole multimedia gang was upset about it and was in a mood to spend at least half a day away from the computers. So, we decided to visit the newly renovated Lake Kankaria and the zoo.

Me and Akshar picked up Bhakti Senior (Anand's daughter) from her place and met up Kunal at his place.

Yogi soon arrived...

And then Ghanny's family...
Kiran was running late and he would join us in zoo.

At the entrance of the zoo...
L to R: Akshar, Yogi on railing, Nishtha with Bhakti Jr, Bhakti Sr with Mahima, Kuns on railing and Ghanny...

The zoo was created by Reuben David in 1953. He was highly respected person and I have a faint memory of seeing him in my last visit.

This is his office from where he oversaw the construction of the complex from 1951 to 1954.

We were guests of the zoo and were attended by the vet of the zoo Dr. Kacha. He did all the arrangements for us. He volunteered to be our tour guide for the first part of the visit.

These monkeys haven't changed from the very first day of this zoo... They are the famous ones of Mahatma Gandhi - Hear no evil, Speak no evil and See no evil...

Seems the signs inside the zoo have not been changed since my last visit few decades back...

After visiting few cages of birds, we finally arrived at some exciting locations... This crocodile was about 13 ft long and looked fierce even when he was sleeping... In this pond, there were 13 crocodiles. Dr. Kacha told that recently, two of them fought very badly and one was seriously injured.

This is the biggest hippo in India and is a father of the recently born daughter in next compound...

It was feeding time for these mother and daughter when we reached there... The one close to us was a daughter.

Cleanliness of the zoo was remarkably higher then expected. Credit goes to such workers...

... and dustbins like these.

First half of the day is usually a feeding time for most animals and thus they are inside their feeding cages...

And in second half of the day, they are out.

I don't remember this white dear's scientific name but it looked very cute even from a distance.

One fact which highly disappointed me was a visible cruelty with this elephant Ashok. Both of his legs were chained with wall as well as together that it can not sit down. Even both rear legs were tied together. I don't know why it was like this.

Later in the afternoon, while we were waiting for the animals to come out, we decided to have a walk on the border of Lake Kankaria.

This is Nagina Vaadi in the center of the lake.

Boating is a popular entertainment here but visibly over-commercialized with such a big advertisement.

This paddle boat is also famous but I think its badly designed. The passenger in the front just cant see anything sideways...

Mini train ride on the perimeter of the lake is very popular too. We wanted to ride it but the waiting was over an hour in hot afternoon and thus, we dropped the idea.

The light posts and the sound system were very professional.

The second entrance to the zoo complex... It seems influenced by the Chinese design.

Overall, it was very interesting and fun time for all of us. Next post will be uncaged animals moments of the zoo.

Be the child... part 2

While we had a great fun capturing zoo animals moments, we had equal fun for capturing non-zoo creatures...

A school was visiting the zoo and all students were so colorful...

This enthusiastic student was so demanding, he literally compelled me to take this picture!

They were foreigners.

Everyone loves Camera!

But this girl seems to have lost her focus...

What a shot!!! 

What is the secret of your happiness?

Chilling out in a hot afternoon...

Its a feeding time for a baby and this baby does not like the food...

"Copy and Paste" hairstyle!

Best friends...

This fella was calmly waiting for her mom to fill the water bottle...

Me too was a zoo guest today!

Who says you need to be rich to enjoy the togetherness?

Perhaps the first couple so well organized despite their seemingly poor attire.

What a cheerful this person is...

A newly wed one? And who says fashion happens only in Paris?

If mom can wear such an expensive sun glasses...

So can I!

This little brother for a while was staring at my camera when I pointed my camera to him, he was quick in posing. Soon, his sister joined and gave me one of the best moments of the day.

And by the time it was approaching evening, more and more people flocked to the zoo and we decided to quit the day...

Below post is about the moments with MM gang...

Be the child... part 3

Finally, the moments of MM gang...

Kins arriving late... He could not bring 100-400L lens which I wanted to test for a long range shooting.

Bhakti Senior!

Bhakti Junior!

Mahima posing near Lion cage...

Kuns with Bhakti Junior...

This new generation kids are quite interesting... Look how Mahima was wearing her sun glasses and how furiously Bhakti J was staring at the camera...

What if we could not ride a train? I can be the train!

Bhakti Jr falling asleep in Ghanny's hands...

Kins taking a picture during a lunch break...CameraInCamera
The 100% crop of earlier picture showing Kin's Camera... Picture In Picture! This is the reason I love these 2.8F lenses and 450D's 12MP resolution. This combination is lethal!

Mahima had a lot of fun with all kakas!

This poor chap had to carry tripod and camera bag all day along... But he still could manage to continue playing with his iPhone...

I wonder what Kins was aiming at...

Encouraged by today's successful day trip, we are wanting to undergo another day trip in coming weekend. Place suggestions are welcome.