My Blood Chemistry... too bad too bad...

Since almost a month, I am very regular on my daily exercise and 45-min walking. While my body feels better and my stamina has increased, I was afraid I am still gaining weight and that I am a victim of a tummy-growing virus. So, this morning, I decided to undergo medical check up and especially undergo few tests to find out what my blood chemistry is these days...

To confirm my fear, the scale showed 3.5 Kgs increase in my weight since I started daily work out and walking... 

The test results came out very interesting...

My hemoglobin is quite high with 15 G% and now I realize why P finds me RED RED these days...

I was fearing that my blood sugar would have been increased as these days, I have frequent bladder-evacuation calls than I had earlier and I have been eating lots of sweets these days. But to my surprise, I am still hypoglycemic! My fasting blood sugar level seems to be 77 mg% (80  to 120 mg% is normal) and 2hrs after meal, this level rises just to 90mg% (100 to 140 mg% is normal)! No wonder my blood pressure remains at 90/60 most of the time...

The fear became reality about the cholesterol level. While Serum Triglyceride is found within limit (125 mg%), Serum Cholesterol came out 220 mg% which is on the border to turn to Hypercholesterolaemia even if it increases by 1mg%.

Since its a border line, its not a panic yet but my Dr knows my irregular life style and the addiction of sweets, cheese and butter... So, I am prescribed with "Ator Save 10mg" - a medicine to lower the blood cholesterol. Ator Save is actually Atorvastatin, a statin class drug. It has some side effects I should be worried about but I have started it anyway.

Since I am not overweight, my Dr is not worried abou my tummy-growing problem and he has advised me to increase my daily work-out to divert the tummy deposits in other parts of my body...

Any suggestions?

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