Oh no... One More Barista Post...

It had been a while since I had visited Barista. This evening, I created an excuse to go there as I had one design to work on.

This is how its signboard has changed lately. Notice the girl at the door? She became a bit upset when I pointed out my camera to the sign board...

When I reached Barista, I found P&P already there! So instead of working on my design, most of my time there went in chitchatting with them.. the topics varied from tummy-growing problem to the recession and doing dishes at home...

By the time I could go back to my original corner and get ready to work on design, it was already a closing time for Barista.

And this is a view of Vijay Char Rasta from Barista corner where we have stood for hours gossiping a lot...

Since I could not work on the design, I have an excuse to go Barista again. But it seems the management of Barista has changed. I wanted to take the picture of the new menu board behind the serving counter and the barista there stopped me saying Barista no more allows inside photography. May be he meant the photography of its menu board or display area as when I took pictures of P&P or my laptop, he did not object it. But if this is indeed a policy, may be I should spend my time in Chocolate Room. Lets see how my mood is tomorrow.

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