The Breathing Time...

It has been quite a long time since I was able to post here. The obvious reason for my absent is my hectic travel and occupied schedules. But equally obvious reason is the lack of portable camera by which I used to capture the moments to blog. When I was carrying iPhone, it was easy to take pictures as it has an excellent camera. But the quality of the camera in my new phone is not encouraging enough to take ANY picture. My other camera - Canon 450D is too bulky to carry everywhere just for blog pictures.

This morning, I got some time where I could dust off my 450D and take some pictures. The subjects were just in front of me!

Top view of my table (after cleaning up all the mess on it...)! These days, I am also busy with organizing my backups. The original hard drive shipped with this laptop is on the right in this picture. It started making clanking noise and thus, I asked Dell to replace it. After installing the replacement drive, I installed the operating system and all software. It took almost whole day to install and update all of them with the latest patches and service packs. So, I decided to take an image of the hard drive that next time, if this hard drive crashes, I can just rebuild new hard drive from this image. I took image on the middle left hard drive which is Seagate 160GB one. The other hard drive on top in left is my routine incremental one and the one in bottom is 250GB Seagate one which I use to store my music and pictures. All these three hard drives are SATA ones and I use the SATA to USB interface to connect them to USB. The big one on right is a 500GB one which I use to store permanent backups.

Since I am "showing off" anyway, let me continue showing off some other things too :)

This is my new phone - Nokia 5310. Its wonderful phone. Very slim and robust. It has an earphone jack which helps me listen to the music using my in-ear headphones.

Senquel--AD my desensitizing mouth wash! I am using it since some time as one of my teeth has become very sensitive. I need to undergo some surgery for my tooth problem but I dont know when I will be able to.

Along with other items, this lens has been on the table since yesterday. Last evening, I went on terrace to do my routine exercise as I stayed home. The purpose of this exercise is to reduce my tummy. I had carried my camera bag with me to take some sunset pictures but I noticed below chap on the street and could not resist to take his picture... TheTummy
I am sure you know the reason why I took this picture :)

This lens is indeed very amazing. Its so sharp and especially even in low light (small F value), its very fast too. Few months back, Raju and his wife visited 11KKN. Their kid Priyash was very playful that evening.
Look at his eyes... So big!

EF-S17-55-2.8ISThis is another f2.8 IS lens I recently got from J-Lo. It was a surprise gift for me. It is also very sharp and fast lens. Check the picture below...
At 31mm hand held, it so sharp! And notice the bokeh... its so powerful.

TheShikhars AmbrishKrupaWedding
Check how faithful color reproduction it can do... It was a spontaneous shot during Ambrish's wedding. I like this lens very much but I wish it was a bit smaller in size that I can carry it attached to the camera in my small laptop bag.

J-Lo also got this bag for me. Its a nice and enough padded bag which I can carry on my travels. Unfortunately, it can hold only a camera, one additional lens and a flash. But thats good enough for time being.

This is an original lens which came with 450D. This too is 17-55mm IS but upto f3.5 and thats why it could remain small in size.

I think I am now pretty equipped with good lenses that if I am invited for a wedding photography, I will meet the expectations :). If I can add some muslins, strobes and reflectors, I can be a fully equipped wedding photographer  and if some beautiful subjects then stand in front of my camera, I may not need to depend on my rickshaw driving skills... :)

Since last few months, I am contemplating on visiting the zoo and try these lenses with tripod and mono pod. But it hasn't yet happened. I also fantasize to go on C G Road and do some street photography but again that is also not happening :(

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