Withdrawal Symptoms…

When I had read about it first time, I never thought that I would suffer from it ever.

Internet definition of withdrawal symptoms is like:
”Withdrawal symptoms: Abnormal physical or psychological features that follow the abrupt discontinuation of a drug that has the capability of producing physical dependence. Common withdrawal symptoms include sweating, tremor, vomiting, anxiety, insomnia, and muscle pain.”

And these days, I am experiencing this withdrawal symptoms heavily…

Since last two days, I indeed feel lots of sweating. For past two nights, even with outside temperature of 28° Celsius, I had to turn the aircon on throughout the night.

Yup, people around me have noticed that my fingers keep on shaking these days. I can’t hold them stable no matter how hard I try to. Of course, it could be because of Turbutaline (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terbutaline) Dr ViPi had prescribed me for my severe coughing last week.

Hmmm… not really but since my food intake these days is very low, there is nothing to vomit from the stomach…

Yup, suffering very heavily. Anxiety of what? Don’t ask.

Its 15 mins past 1am early morning and I am awake. Does it qualify for this symptom?

Muscle pain:
Heavy cramps since few days but 500mg of Paracetamol of SeriCOLD (my new sinus decongestant) twice a day brings some relief though.

So, yea, I am proudly declaring that I am an ordinary and normal human being which suffers from the withdrawal symptoms when one should. And I am happy about it. The withdrawal happened almost instantly and abruptly and it happened when I had feared it least. I am happy about it.


I am very very frustrated...

  • Not because my new sinus medicine is not as effective as the previous one…
  • Not because wipers of my car are making noise…
  • Not because increased waist size has rendered all my trousers useless…
  • Not because Fusion Proglide Power razor is creating lots of irritation after every shave…
  • Not because it has been raining here since few days…
  • Not because my desk is very very messy…
  • Not because I ran out of Starbucks ViVa Columbia instant coffee packs…
  • Not because the maid no more will clean the first floor…
  • Not because the new bridge across the river passes through a ghetto area…
  • Not because you (I) have been doing what you are (I am) not supposed to do…
  • Not because you (I) have not been doing what you are (I am) supposed to do…
  • Not because my wireless service provider is not improving its coverage in my area…
  • Not because GroupMe does not offer it’s service on my cellular network…
  • Not because there is no DEL button on this MacBook Pro…
  • Not because the “delete” button of this MacBook Pro actually is a "Backspace” button…
  • Not because new format of this blog is not as cute as the previous one…
  • Not because I messed up with my frequent flyer mileages…
  • Not because I still fail to remember my new extension number…
  • Not because thrice in a week, I forget to carry a towel in the shower…
  • Not because I haven’t been to Barista for a long…
  • Not because I just found out that my Canon 7D’s battery grip was also damaged…
  • Not because my E6500 laptop is awaiting my login…
  • Not because someone hates me…
  • Not because I am compelled to use Windows 7 (on Macbook Pro)…
  • Not because all my drawers are worst than a junk yard (since a few years)…
  • Not because of the gap between a tooth crown and the adjacent tooth in my mouth…


  • Just because the Home button of my iPhone 4 is behaving erratic…

Since almost few weeks, this button has gone unpredictable… A lot of iPhone 4 users are complaining about this problem and Apple forums are full of this complaints… J-Lo said he is also suffering with this issue and so are many of his friends. Even though my phone is in warranty, Apple India will not be able to do anything as iPhones don’t come with international warranty. I have to send it back to its country of purchase to get it checked and repaired by Apple. Too bad too bad…