Oh No! One more iPhone post...

I put myself on a test of not using my iPhone for a while and I am proud to announce that I successfully passed the test. During entire week of not using iPhone, I never missed it even there were plenty of opportunities of either "turning someone in to ash" or "picture perfect moment".

Few days back, I was browsing through Apple site and came across some iPhone applications which fascinated me and I further discovered that these applications will need iPhone's firmware 1.1.3. I knew about this firmware version but I had not upgraded my iPhone till now. Seeing these applications, I decided to upgrade the firmware.

I started upgrading the firmware at around 11pm on Sunday and half way, I realized that I made a big mistake as I did not confirm if my existing unlocking would continue to work. Well, it was too late and at the end of the uploading new firmware to my iPhone, the phone was dead. SSH did not work nor did PUTTY or WinSCP. I just could not connect to phone using any of these software.

I forced the phone into recovery mode and as this iPhone had 1.0.2 as an original version, the recovery screen looked as below.
It reminded me of the time when we hacked this iPhone few months back in a motel in Grand Canyon...

I then downloaded old firmware and the phone still remained dead... Checking on the net, I found out that in upgrading the firmware to 1.1.3, I damaged the baseband of the phone and I just rendered it useless.... Fortunately, I found a utility on Internet which repaired the damaged baseband to 1.1.1 firmware. I then downloaded 1.1.1 on my iPhone and ended up with this screen.
The phone was not yet jailbroken and I had to connect it to Internet for downloading Jailbreaking program from Jailbreakme.com. I used the trick mentioned at www.hackthatphone.com to connect this iPhone to Internet using Emergency Calling. After Jailbreaking this phone, it looked like as below.
You could have noticed that a wireless icon is already visible on left top of this screenshot and I could install BSD Subsystem and SSH on the phone along with.

I than downloaded anySIM to unlock this phone and in few minutes, the phone was unlocked!

After downloading and executing anySIM, the phone unlocked itself and now, I could resume using this phone.

I then followed the steps mentioned at www.hackthatphone.com and upgraded the firmware to 1.1.2. I also downloaded some applications and my screen now looks as below.
You will notice that this phone is connected to wireless network. You will also notice that I installed "Flashlight" and "ScreenShot" applications from the web and using ScreenShot, I took these pictures. Thanks to Brent Jensen at www.Freeit4Less.com for Flashlight and Robota Software at www.polarbearfarm.com for ScreenShot applications.

By the time I finished this upgrade and installation of additional applications, it was 5 o'clock in morning!

આઈ નો ધેટ આઈ હેવ મેસ્ડ્ અપ વિથ ધ ટાઈમીંગ ઓફ ધીઝ પીક્ચર્સ. આઈ કુડ નોટ ટેક પીક્ચર્સ ડ્યુરીંગ ધ અપડેટ પ્રોસેસ.

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