Saga de Ammerika – March 2010 - 1

Its’ 6pm here in New Jersey which is very unusual time for me to blog… Actually, it is highly unusual for me to even blog during this trip… But hey, it is happening!

This time, I flew Qatar Airways… My past experience with Qatar had not been good that I would fly it again. But there were no seats available in Emirates and all other airlines were too expensive.

Qatar Airways
On my way to my seat, I picked up a magazine and found this interesting sticker on it…

When I landed JFK, I was feeling fresh… thanks to Alprazolam and Paracetamol combination which forced me to sleep for few hours.

Next day, I caught an early morning flight and landed in Jacksonville. Starbucks1 - Jacksonville AirportStarbucks2 - Jacksonville Airport
While on my way to Baggage claim, I came across two Starbucks just few shops away…

First couple of days in Jacksonville were very demanding but productive. I spent the weekend in Orlando where I got a new toy to play with… Canon-7D boxCanon-7D
This is an amazing toy. When I held it in hands, I felt the difference and when I put a lens on it and glanced through its viewfinder, I realized that I had been missing all this time – 100% view and a level indicator! It took a while for me to start taking pictures using this toy…

Starbucks - Riverside Jacksonville
This is first Starbucks shot using this new camera! It was a sign inside a Riverside Ave Starbucks in Jacksonville.

Starbucks Counter - Riverside Jacksonville
I took this picture which sucks on composition and as soon as I started recomposing, a lady in black rushed to me and told me that photography is not allowed inside the store… WHAT? I told her nicely that I have taken pictures inside many Starbucks and many a times, even the bartenders have been posing for it, she refused and said that I need a permission from their corporate office for any photography inside the store… too bad too bad…

Next afternoon, I went there one more time. The store manager wasn’t around. I asked the lady behind the counter about this restriction and she said that while Starbucks is lenient with photography using phone cameras and consumer cameras, it prohibits any photography inside using any professional camera… too bad too bad one more time!

I am now back in New Jersey. This morning, I received a battery grip for new toy!BG-E7 GripCanon-7D And BG-E7
With a battery grip and even a 50mm/1.8, it no more looks like a toy…

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