Slapped or not???

Sometimes, its interesting to know how American child protection laws work… I came across a news article on CNN.Com titled "Mom reportedly slaps baby on plane

Seems a couple with their 13 months old daughter was flying from Dallas, TX to Seattle, Washington on Aug 16. The daughter for some reason was crying and despite sincere efforts of mother, she could not be calmed down. The fellow passengers saw that the father was getting upset and angry at mother for her failure in comforting the baby. While the mother was trying  hard her way, a fellow passenger heard a slapping noise and he/she assumed that the mother beat the child. A flight attendant intervened the situation and finally the father managed to make girl sleep in his arms. But this is not an end of the story… The flight attendant had reported this incident to the authorities and when the plane landed at a scheduled stop at Albuquerque, New Mexico, cops were waiting for these parents. The couple was deplaned and interrogated. The child was examined by Para-medic which was called on standby with an ambulance. The incident report concluded that no such physical abuse took place nor there was any sign of ill-treatment on daughter’s face. The couple was released and it continued their onward journey to Seattle, Washington.

What is the moral of this incident?

1. Never get married.
2. If you do, get a parenting training before becoming parents.

3. If you intend to fly with children, before booking your flights, please pray that your fellow passengers don’t get suspicious for your lack of parenting skills.

4. If one parent fails in calming down crying baby, other parent should try to calm down the baby instead of yelling at other parent.

5. If baby is crying, yelling at him/her won’t stop him/her crying. Yelling simply does not work always elsewhere as well then how can it work here?

6. If both parents fail to stop baby from crying, they should seek a help of a flight attendant. Most flights in US now have at least one beautiful flight attendant who can make the child distracted (actually attracted?) from his/her crying.

7. Keep throwing smiles to your fellow passengers when your baby becomes unstoppable crier… You never know if you were sincere in your booking-time prayer. The fellow passenger may complain about you if your prayer wasn’t heard.

8. If you are detained, co-operate fully with the authority. That is the only way to prove your innocence as you already created issues with fellow passengers, beautiful flight attendant and of course with your spouse to begin with when you failed to help her/him in comforting your child.

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