To be or not to be...

Suicide! Yea, to be or not to be... big question any suicide attempter would ask himself/herself at least thousand times before performing the act.

Few days back, I thought if there is any meaningful information available on Internet about this Final act... I Goggled it and found many links of this topic. I tried different search terms like "Suicide made easy", "Quick Suicide Guide" and even "Suicide for Dummies" and to my surprise, I got plenty of listings in all these search. It seems suicide market is in very demand.

Actually, in someone's words, one needs "balls" to dare the suicide and its true. Even with a tiny scar on the skin, people make a loud cry and to end one's own life demands lots of courage...

Spiritually, no religion approves suicide and religions especially Hinduism, Buddhism and some doctrine of Christianity believes suicide as a biggest sin. Even Islam forbids its followers for suicide and Judaism also consider suicide as a crime. Though, number of suicide deaths are increasing every year and rate is increasing at an alarming speed...

Of course, there is a difference between a suicide and a self killing. Self killing is what we otherwise call "suicidal terrorism". They kill themselves to kill others. Its not suicide. Suicide is much more dignified than the self killing.

Out of many ways to suicide like hanging, drowning, poisoning, electrocuting or self killing by bullets or weapons, to me, hanging is the best and quickest way to end the life. Electrocuting is also quickest one but not easiest. Self killing by bullets should work good too but one needs to have a gun for that. While self killing by weapon is also not a bad way, its not practiced that commonly.

Before committing a suicide, one should make his/her will so that his/her suicide does not force others to commit a suicide. So, if I have to make a will, I make a will of what? I possess nothing! Nothing belongs to me... not even my under garments... If tomorrow, I am thrown out of 11KKN, I have to search for tree leaves to cover myself...

Its a good practice to leave a suicide note so that guilty are punished and innocents are spared.... So, if I had to write this note, should I write it in English, Hindi or Gujarati?

Where should one commit the suicide? Of course, not inside the house you (and your family) live... Else, you will render your suicidal room useless and your ghost will haunt there forever.

Anyway, there is a lot more to write about this topic but its time for me to go now.

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