Saga de Ammerikka - Chicago

After spending a day at New Jersey office, I was destined to Chicago for couple of days. As I had booked my VUSA ticket for domestic travel in US, it was first sector on this ticket I was traveling.

When I reached to the gate to board my flight, I started smelling a very familiar and temptive smell... the STARBUCKS!
The smell itself was refreshing enough to charge me up and I decided to check my will power to resist Java chip as long as I can. I succeeded!

It was late afternoon when I landed Chicago's O'Hare airport. The lobby looked relatively uncrowded. I noticed that it wisely used the available daylight.

Seeing Vivek grown up so much in few years was indeed surprising. IMG_0410
Few years back when I visited him, he gave me this pose...

My first lunch in Chicago was at Pankaj's Subway... He custom-made my sub with spinach, some special herbs and honey mustard with salt and pepper. He introduced me to Frito-Lay's Multi-grain chips which now has replaced Lays classic in my menu. Pankaj was very shy and tried to hide when I clicked this picture...

Chicago stay was very short but very productive. This time, when I reached to the same lobby of O'Hare, I had some time to browse through... IMG_0553IMG_0556IMG_0557
and I found that just one lobby of O'Hare, three Starbucks!

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