The focus dilemma

Indeed, it all depends on the focus – no matter what, how and why…. if there is no focus, there is no value…!

No no no no no, I am not preaching anything here… I am just saying about the focusing of a lens of a camera. Continue reading if you are not bored yet…

These are two lenses for Canon Cameras. Both are of fixed focal length of 50mm. The bib baby on left has aperture which can be as wide as upto 1.0 (f1.0) and the kiddy on the right has max. aperture of 1.8 (f1.8). Just a .8 difference. But the street price of the big baby is about $2500 for the used one whereas that kiddy is available on Amazon at $100.

This morning, I wanted to check their performance. I ended up with a setup as below:

It is the battery test very common to check the front or back focusing of the lens. Here, I used it to check the sharpness of both lenses.

The big one looks like this on 7D. Its a very impressive and pro look and will surely get you different treatment from fellow photographers.

Same camera but with 50mm-f1.8 lens and you can notice the difference. It looks so kiddy!

This is the frame I got from the big baby. Look at the background blur. Thats the beauty of this lens.

This is the frame I got from the kiddy lens. Look at the difference in the bokeh… the one with big lens is obviously uniform and non-disturbing… whereas the one above is a bit distracting from the subject.

But the real test I was looking for is a sharpness and not the background bokeh…

This is the 100% crop of the one taken with the big baby. You need to click it to see at 100%.

And this is the 100% crop of the kiddy lens. I hardly see any difference in the sharpness from above picture and on the contrary, I find this one sharper than the one with the big baby.

Check the 100% crops of big baby at 1.0 and 1.2 below…
At f1.0… its so out of focus…

at f1.2… its no better…

So, it seems that even big baby is so expensive, it is not producing any sharp results at apertures the kiddy lens does not offer.

The conclusion? Save $2400 and go for the kiddy. Even if you break it for any reason, you loose just $100… No wonder why big baby is nicknamed “Museum lens”!     

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