What the hell is Imipramine HCl???

Since few weeks, I had been experiencing a pain running down from a hip joint to the bottom of my left leg. It sure wasn’t muscular pain nor it was fatigue. So when it became unbearable, I went to the Dr and he asked me to undergo an X-Ray of the hip joint. A conventional X-ray was a bit confusing and thus I underwent a digital X-ray for more clarity. This X-ray did not show any abnormalities nor a need of a heap replacement :)! So, he prescribed me some pain killers.
Even after taking these pain killers for few days, the pain did not vanish. I started having a burning sensation at the hip joint and under my feet. I also occasionally used to get flickers there. Looking at these symptoms, the Dr prescribed me some multivitamins once in morning and Impramine HCL 25mg once before going to bed. He cautioned me that I will have longer sleep then my usual one. I was fine with it.
First night, I took this medicine around 10pm and fell asleep around 12 midnight. I woke up at 20 mins past noon – yes, thats 1220HRS next day… Fine. not a big deal. I got ready and had a cup of coffee. I came back to my room and felt sleepy. Blaming it to the heat of the day, I decided to take an afternoon nap. I woke up at 5 in evening. It was too early for the dinner and thus, I ended up with another cup of coffee. I was lazy and while waiting for dinner, I took another nap of two hours… Had a dinner at 9 and at 11pm, I took another doze of the medicine. By midnight, I was flat on my bed and woke up at 11am next morning.
Same as last day, after having a cup of coffee and doing some mundane tasks like mail checking/replying and few phone calls, I again fell sleepy. So what do you do? Go sleep, right? Thats exactly I did and ended up with a five hours sleep. Woke up just around dinner time and after dinner, again finished some routine tasks and fell asleep at midnight till noon next day.
This kept on happening for almost six days and today, it was too much. I decided to have a look at what this  Imipramine HCl medicine is which is making me so sleepy.
An internet search of this medicine got me following information:
This medication is used to treat depression. It is also used with other therapies for the treatment of nighttime bed-wetting (enuresis) in children. Using this medication to treat depression may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. Imipramine can help your child control nighttime bed-wetting.
Hehe… do I feel the need of this medicine? The warning section of this drug says something like:
Antidepressant medications are used to treat a variety of conditions, including depression and other mental/mood disorders. These medications can help prevent suicidal thoughts/attempts and provide other important benefits.
WHAT????? Antidepressant??? Am I depressed??? Do I have a mental or a mood disorder??? Do I get a suicidal thoughts????
Whoooaaaa!!! Maybe! Who knows????!!!!!
The side effects of this medicine are listed as:
Dry mouth, blurred vision, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, stomach cramps, weight gain/loss, and increased sweating may occur.
Hmmm… Dry mouth? I dont think so.
Blurred vision? I am already bifocal.
Headache? Nope.
Drowsiness? Sure.
Dizziness? Yea.
Constipation? Yes, very much.
Nausea? Dont know.
Stomach cramps? No.
Weight gain/loss? Haven’t been on scale recently.
Increased sweating? Yea, its 40C outside. One ought to sweat in such heat.
Looking at this page where some of the patients who had expressed their experiences with this medicine, its indeed scary and funny! Some lost the memory for few hours and one became jittery. The first one on this page is so funny I can not put it here!!!
So what should I do now??? I am so confused…

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