One more!

This morning, I was about to leave for the office and noticed this beautiful rose in Mumma's collection... Its color attracted me...
The color looked over-saturated but those light lines made it look so beautiful.  Unfortunately, I was in a hurry and thus had to use iPhone camera instead of my 300D. I planned to take its picture with 300D when I would return home but it was too dark when I came back. I am not sure if this rose will be there tomorrow morning and if it would still be fresh and beautiful enough...
Oh, talking about 300D, I just read a news about Canon's new baby 450D... It is a great improvement over all its predecessors and has many new features too...  
(Image courtesy:, Early reviews here and here and specifications)
For a while, I was contemplating to get 40D as my 300D has been quite old now. In last US trip, I was about to buy 40D but a friend suggested me to wait till PMA 2008 when Canon usually announces new cameras. It was worth waiting and many of 40D features are available in this camera. While it is not as PRO a camera as 40D, I am thinking to go for this and use the price difference to buy a better lens. What do you think?

Untitled entry

It has been a while since I blogged here. Last week was very busy and hectic too. I had to go New Delhi on a very short notice and was there for three days. I flew Spicejet both times and on my way back, I noticed that New Delhi airport is as crowded now just like a bus station...
Since flying has become affordable, people prefer to fly than to travel by either train or bus. For me, I prefer to travel by train and especially to New Delhi, I prefer to travel by Rajdhani Express as many golden memories are associated with this train route. But most of times these days, I travel to New Delhi on short notice and getting a reserved birth in Rajdhani Express on a short notice is very impossible.
During one of the weekdays, I happened to be in Home Town to look for a furniture for 11KKN. I was in double bed section and I saw a moment I could not resist to capture though photography was not permitted...
Some parents left their child enjoy a free sleep! I don't know if this would happen in any other part of world... 
Since few weeks, I noticed that some of the channels of our satellite dish were scrambled and many a times, the picture would just freeze on screen. I contacted the customer support and it said that the dish needed a realignment. Company serviceman would charge Rs. 150 for realigning the dish. Akshar and me decided to realign the dish ourselves to save on the charge. IMG_0228
We spent today afternoon on terrace realigning it.
Since I started taking pictures using iPhone, I did not use my good old 300D. I noticed good lighting this evening and decided to take some shots of flowers Mumma has grown in the front yard. IMG_2540IMG_2541 IMG_2545 IMG_2547 IMG_2555IMG_2556 IMG_2560 IMG_2563 IMG_2565IMG_2571
Even after so many years, my 300D and kit lens are producing cool images.

Short Term Memory Loss

I always face a problem of short term memory loss! I forget what I ate in the morning and I forget what I wore yesterday. I forget where I left my keys last night and I forget what password I changed of my PIX router few days back. I forget easily all phone numbers and I can never remember birthdates (except two). I many times have forgotten to switch off the gas stove before milk boils out of the pot and many a times, I have wasted plenty of water by forgetting to close the tap of garden hose... For days, my to-be-pressed cloths will remain in my office when I forget to drop them to laundryman on the way to office.... When I was on a dial-up connection, I would forget to disconnect it before going to bed and ending up with huge monthly bill... I did forget about the reason of an online fight with sissie just after the fight started further worsening the fight...
And one short-term memory loss, which costs me on a daily basis is to switch off the mosquito repellant device every morning. I switch it on when I either get bitten by mosquitos or they start singing song near my ears. The moment the device gets activated, my short term memory loss also becomes activate and makes me forget what I just did. The machine remains on all the time and keeps on burning all the liquid inside it and then rendering itself useless by overheating... I realize about this only when any of those two events occur which triggered me to turn this machine on... To solve this problem, I thought of using a "timer" switch to automatically switch off the machine after few hours but I was too lazy to make one and it was too expensive to buy one.
This morning, we went to Big Bazaar for routine shopping and I found a mosquito repellant device with auto switch-off! Wow! I feel it was just made for me!!!
AllOut AllOutInAction
Now, its plugged in the socket and waiting for a mosquito to either sing in my ears or to kiss me!

The Last week...

Though I have a lot to write here, somehow, I am not finding quality time. Too much is happening around me and its very difficult to cope up with everything.
Anyway, I had an interesting last week and other then continuing crying about my confusion, let me write something about this interesting week.
I wanted to buy few books on cooking and I ended up in Crossword. I visited Crossword after almost a year and it has changed a bit. Some shelves are rearranged and some sections are moved to different places. But all my favorite sections were unchanged/unmoved.

It seems Crossword is more crowdy now and to accommodate more sections, it has reduced the space between racks.
But this section has not been compromised. Readers still have their own space to enjoy there.

I stopped by at Cooking department and before leaving, stopped at Travel section also.
Few days back, when I came back home for lunch, I noticed that labors were digging the trench on the other side of the street. I inquired and found out that they were laying gas pipeline and once its finished, we will be able to get the cooking gas delivered to us through this pipe instead of the gas cylinders (cans/bottles)! Wow! We are progressing on our infrastructure. Pipeline1Pipeline2Pipeline4Pipeline3
What you see in above picture may make you wonder about what they are doing... They are uncoiling the Teflon pipe! Hehe! This happens only in India!
This afternoon, I went to find appropriate home furniture. I came across a very interesting dinning table in at one shop.
The central part of this table (which looks white in above picture) is made of a glass. Its a 4 seater dinning table but can be converted to 6 seater. The black extension on the side is folding part which actually resides below the glass top (as shown on other edge) and which can be pulled out and locked to extend the length of the table. This table looks so simple and even chairs are nice looking and light weighted. Its expensive but a prefect fit for the kitchen. What to do?