Short Term Memory Loss

I always face a problem of short term memory loss! I forget what I ate in the morning and I forget what I wore yesterday. I forget where I left my keys last night and I forget what password I changed of my PIX router few days back. I forget easily all phone numbers and I can never remember birthdates (except two). I many times have forgotten to switch off the gas stove before milk boils out of the pot and many a times, I have wasted plenty of water by forgetting to close the tap of garden hose... For days, my to-be-pressed cloths will remain in my office when I forget to drop them to laundryman on the way to office.... When I was on a dial-up connection, I would forget to disconnect it before going to bed and ending up with huge monthly bill... I did forget about the reason of an online fight with sissie just after the fight started further worsening the fight...
And one short-term memory loss, which costs me on a daily basis is to switch off the mosquito repellant device every morning. I switch it on when I either get bitten by mosquitos or they start singing song near my ears. The moment the device gets activated, my short term memory loss also becomes activate and makes me forget what I just did. The machine remains on all the time and keeps on burning all the liquid inside it and then rendering itself useless by overheating... I realize about this only when any of those two events occur which triggered me to turn this machine on... To solve this problem, I thought of using a "timer" switch to automatically switch off the machine after few hours but I was too lazy to make one and it was too expensive to buy one.
This morning, we went to Big Bazaar for routine shopping and I found a mosquito repellant device with auto switch-off! Wow! I feel it was just made for me!!!
AllOut AllOutInAction
Now, its plugged in the socket and waiting for a mosquito to either sing in my ears or to kiss me!

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