Sage de Ammerikka - The return

From California, I returned to New Jersey. I received my new laptop from Dell but on opening the package, I found that it had a dent on the back of the body. So, Dhwani returned it and reordered it. Dell gave $100 credit for shipping me dented laptop and upgraded my configuration to 4GB from 2GB! This is why I like Dell.

I stayed at Mitulbhai;s place. Keeping awake till 2am was usual even though he had to go work in few hours.

An evening before, I had a dinner at Kukididi's place. We talked a lot and recollected some of old memories. Kukididi had prepared delicious Chhole for dinner. I asked her to pack it for my next day flight to India. Devalbhabhi packed thepalas for me.

I had two additional bags to carry with me. Lufthansa is an expensive airline as it charges $250 for an additional bag weighing upto 23 Kgs. For bag weighing more than 23 Kgs up to 32 Kgs, it charges $500! Air India charges $120 and $180 respectively. Brijesh was flying back by Air India and thus I asked him to carry one of my 32 Kg bag with him. Air India waived the charge for this bag as we have very good relations with it!

When I reached at Lufthansa counter for my check in, the girl at the counter warned me of charges for the third bag I was checking in. I was prepared. I handed her my passport and ticket and started weighing all my bags. All my check in bags were within limit. She asked me to weigh my handbag and it happened to be 14 Kgs - 6 Kgs more than allowed limit. So, she asked me to reduce it to 8 Kgs. I started to unpack my bag there at the counter. She asked me to go to a corner as I was blocking other passengers. When I returned at the counter, there was different girl. My passport, boarding cards and luggage tags were ready at the counter. She pasted luggage flaps on bags, gave me my boarding cards, luggage tags and passport and threw a nice smile and set me free!!! She saved my $250 :)

When I reached to my seat in the plane, a mother (reasonably healthy) and a father were busy in managing their crying infant. They requested me if I can relocate somewhere else that they can use third seat for their child. This created an opportunity for me to interact with one of the crews on board. I told her about Chhole I was carrying with me and if she could heat it up for my dinner :). During the dinner serving, she happily poured Chhole from plastic container to two aluminum ones. She heat up one and kept other one in cold compartment that I can use it on my second flight. I enjoyed Kukididi's chhole one more time.

I reached Frankfurt at 7:30am next day. It took a while for me to find a shower there. After shower, I came to the departure gate from where my New Delhi flight was to go. A coffee counter there brought a big relief to me! After puja, I had German cappuccino and theplas!

The flight brought me to New Delhi on time. An assistant of the airport authority came to escort me from the gate. At the immigration, there was a queue long enough for a wait time of at least an hour. The assistant put me to the diplomat counter and cleared me in a minute! My luggage arrived a little late. Customs officers were aware of my coming and thus I had no problems there too. Yogesh and Ambrish were waiting for me outside...

I stayed in New Delhi for few days before heading home. Life became pretty normal from next day.

Saga de Ammerikka - San Diego 2nd visit

From Philadelphia, I flew to LAX. I spent one day on site to demonstrate the integration of the system. The site would be ready in coming months.

Next day, we drove to San Diego. We stopped by Vigitron office to get a replacement for a faulty unit and then arrived at the famous San Diego zoo. Some of the pictures from this visit below:PelicansBirdZebraLookAlikeZiraffeTigerMerket1Merket2CamelsAntelopeBearRhinosTreeKangaroosKoala
Seeing is believing for these animals... I wish I could spend more time with them and I carried my tripod along with...

Below are some "other moments" in this zoo...

From San Diego, I returned to the site and then next day, I flew back to New Jersey.

Saga de Ammerikka - Philadelphia

From Toronto, I flew to Philadelphia where I had no installation to do nor I had any technical meetings scheduled. Only reason I was here was Darshan and Family. Darshan's dad Bhupendra Uncle always wanted me to spend at least a week with them. Aruna aunty was equally insisting the same. And the situation became so favorable that my VUSA ticket compelled me to land at Philadelphia!

"D and D in Dunkin-Donut"!

On Sunday, we had a walk-a-thon in Philadelphia and I got a chance not only to participate but also to roam around and enjoy this beautiful city... Some of the shots from this walk-a-thon first!

Walk09 Walk08

We blocked downtown traffic! Fortunately, it was Sunday and we did not upset many people...

Walk03 Walk05
Walk07 Walk06
Walk04 Walk02Walk01

Later, on our way back, we passed through some historic buildings of Philadelphia. I also came across some different moods of Philly!

LandmarkDont know anything about this statue and no patience to google about it... FreedomBellBldg
TheBellLiberty Bell... NationalConstitutionCenter
National Constitution Center...
Dont know anything about this spot...

On this walk-back, I also tried my 70-200mm lens...

Bldg70mmAt 70mm focal length... BldgTopAnd this at 200mm... handheld!

Some miscellaneous shots...

HardRockCafePhilly PhillyDuck1PhillyDucks2PhillyDuck walks on the street and swims in the water...
LatinosMy first paparazzi shot???

StarbucksAnd of course without this picture, this post wont be finished!

Saga de Ammerikka- Toronto Canada

BuffaloAirportBuffalo has a beautiful airport though very small. Bharti Faiba and Mohan Fooaa picked me up from the airport.

MallPaintingOn our way, we stopped by Great American Mall for some shopping... The mall wall has been nicely painted to give an illusion of the bridge and Niagara Falls...

From the mall, on our way to Toronto/Missisauga, we stopped by Niagara Falls and spent few hours there...

RainbowBridgeRainbow Bridge from US side...

ViewTowerThe watch tower from which the first picture was taken.

MaidOfTheMist We took a "Maid of the Mist" boat ride to the actual fall.

FooaaFaibaainMOMIt was bright and windy Sunday... We had to wrap ourselves in these ponchos to protect against the mist when we approach the fall...

RainbowAmerican side of Niagara Falls... Its not as furious and gorgeous as Canadian side.

NiagaraHorseShoeAs we approached Canadian side of the fall, mist became very thick and it was dangerous to use the camera.

NiagaraCanadaSideCanadian side of Niagara Fall is like horse shoe... A view from the watch tower on US side.

TheKidWe met this cute kid at the bottom of the watch tower... I wonder how he would be able to see with such tiny eyes!

FooaaFaibaaFooaa and Faibaa on watch tower...

CanadaSideFromUSCanadian skyline from US side...

We reached Faiba's place late in evening. Its a very spacious house and very quite and peaceful. For two days, I hid here to reinstall all software and data on new hard drive. In two days, I also finished many pending tasks.

Faiba's house...

The street where this house is located...

Small temple in Faiba's example of religious coexistence...

I spent last two days at Pinky's place. Dinner at one night smelled a lot of garlic as she is a heavy garlic consumer... all her kitchen pots and utensils have built-in garlic smell :( Garlic took its toll on me...

From Toronto, I took Air Canada flight to Philadelphia.. Toronto airport is very interesting. For US bound passengers, US side immigration is done at Toronto airport only. Photography was strictly prohibited in that area.

As I came out of immigration area, I saw Starbucks and no Tim Horton…

We had a gate change for our flight and going to other end of the airport was interesting...