The stare in Barista...

I was in Barista today evening and I was lost in finishing an important design before I go on travel. Earphones relayed my favorite Tomato songs in my ear canals and my fingers were dancing on the keyboard. My tongue was enjoying sips of Barista Blast at a regular intervals and my legs were shaking on Tomato tunes. Things were moving good and I was approaching to the completion of the design.

Suddenly, I felt a bit uncomfortable with some sort of breathlessness. I felt as if I was getting tied by a rope that I could not even move my hands... Don't know which hormone started flowing in my blood but it should be mixer of many, that even now, I cant describe or understand that feeling.

When I forcefully raised my head out of my laptop screen, I noticed that someone was staring at me... Its very USUAL in India to be stared (and to stare) and girls feel happy when they are used for "Optical Exercise" by guys... But when a guy gets stared by a girl, definitely something is wrong and when a guy of age 40 gets stared, everything is wrong... When there are millions of "worth a stare" handsome ones in Ahmedabad, how come me get a stare??? Before I get an answer of this, my eyes met her and rebounded immediately. A whole body shivering jolted me with a 10000KV electric shock and before I could regain myself, she got up from her seat and started approaching me.

You can guess that my heart started pumping at 180 ppm... My brain started working on contingency plan of how to protect myself if she was gonna slap me... The forehead started dripping sweat drops and adrenaline level in my blood shot to the highest... Vision started fainting and Tomato song got faded out in my ears... Earphones dropped out of my ears due to excessive enlargement of ear canals and fingers fell dead on keyboard. While legs became water bottles, my stomach started twisting and churning... Breathing speed increased with exponential rate and with every inch of decreasing distance between me and her, end of my world was approaching... By the time my heart was about to burst, my eardrums about to rupture, my eyeballs about to explode and my lungs about to blast off, her killer voice penetrated my ears "Is this iPhone?"

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