Train journey after a long...

It seems that every alternate weekends, I am destined to be in New Delhi. This time, it was Monday though and I could manage to get a train ticket on "Tatkal" quota and ended up saving more than Rs. 1000 against air travel. And instead of traveling by Rajdhani Express, I had to travel by Ashram Express as Ahmedabad-New Delhi Rajdhani does not run on Mondays.
I reached station half an hour before train departure time and the train had not yet been on platform.Tracks
I noticed that though tracks down there looked dirty, they were much cleaner then before.

After a while, the train finally arrived at the platform. Ashram Express is one of the longest passenger trains with total 25 bogies. It uses two engines to pull them and takes 17 hours to reach New Delhi.

As I had some documentation to finish before reaching New Delhi, I had booked a ticket in two tier AC sleeper coach. Fellow passengers were kind enough not to snore during night and no noisy kids in the compartment too!

After stowing my bags in the coach, I came out to picture another difference I noticed this time. Queue1
The queue for unreserved coaches was very systematic and policemen were ensuring sequential entry of passengers in those two unreserved compartments. One day, when I will not need to carry any valuables, I want to travel in one of these unreserved compartments and experience the heat, the dust, colorful and smelly people, noise, beggars, quarrels... may it will bring humbleness in me and make me complain less about what I don't have.
On my way back to Ahmedabad, I traveled in Rajdhani Express. But I could not take any advantage of Rajdhani travel as no more "outside food" ruled out Mutter Paneer and Jeera Rice... Too bad too bad... I did take some pictures of New Delhi station, Rajdhani Express but I forgot to download them before I upgraded my iPhone's firmware to 1.1.4 this afternoon... Too bad too bad one more time!
Yea, how can I remain silent so long without bragging about iPhone? But I will brag one less now! New firmware allows sending a text message to more then one contacts!!! Of course, I hardly need to use that feature but still, at least one useful improvement in this firmware.

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