Yet Another Loyalty shift...

So what if I am not using Vodafone, I can surely appreciate its good ad at least!!! :) Yup, Its a cool ad and both stars of this ad have acted great. The music and the song are equally impressive! Somehow, I find Indian advertises far more interesting and creative than others...

Where there is a brain, there is a headache...

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned about my sinusitis problem. I am suffering with a severe morning headache since few months and it completely ruins off my morning puja. My Dr felt that I am suffering from Sinusitis and I had undergone a treatment for that. There wasn't much improvement and after the treatment finished, the headache reoccurred in few days.

Few days back, I had consulted ENT specialist and he had prescribed me a little different treatment. There was no substantial change in the headache... So, he finally asked me to undergo CT scan of my head and here are the scans...
As you can see, my right maxillary sinus is showing off but it is not very severe. You will also notice on this scan that my left nostril wall is so full of congestion... which is also visible in a scan below.
In this can, you can see my septum is a bit deviated and my ENT Dr has suggested Septoplasty but I am not going for it...

Looking at other all different Tomography results, ENT Dr suspected something else as a cause for the headache and asked me to get my eye powers checked...

I underwent the test on Saturday and the ophthalmologist first checked the power using computer and then getting a hint from the machine, he manually checked both eyes. He also checked eye pressure for any doubt of Glaucoma. To my surprise, my eye powers have changed from + to - and he advised me to change my glasses. The change is not that drastic that I should have such severe headache but lets give it a chance...

Economy Airlines future...

While on Kayak.Com for some bookings, I came across a link which led me to below YouTube video... Very funny but it can soon happen if fuel prices keep on increasing with current rate...

And then on YouTube, I found another video which is little longer but very funny...

Me and Hindi songs? Sometimes :)

खोया है पाके जीसने प्यार मैं हुं नां...
बेचैन मैं हुं, बेकरार मैं हुं नां...
कोई तो हो ऐसा, जीसको अपना कहे शकु,
कोई तो हो ऐसा, जीसके दिलमें रहे शकु....
कोई तो कहेता एक बार मैं हुं ना...
खोया हे पाके जीसने प्यार मैं हुं नां...
बेचैन मैं हुं, बेकरार मैं हुं नां...

जो बंधन तुटे, जो अपने रूठे
पास आ जाये फिरसे दूरीयां...
ये क्युं होता है... के दिल रोता है...
बेबस हो जाती है ये जबान...
अपने तो सारे... ईस किनारे रहे गये..
तन्हा चला जो उस पार मैं हुं नां...
खोया है पाके जीसने प्यार मैं हुं नां...
बेचैन मैं हुं, बेकरार मैं हुं नां...

जहांभी मैं जाउं... जहांभी मैं देखु...
सारे चहेरे बेगाने से है...
कभी कोई था... जो मेरा ही था...
ये किस्से अब अफसानेसे है...
कल जींदगीने खेल खेले थे गये...
कुछ लोग जीते, जीतके सब ले गये...हो...
हिस्सेमें आई जीसके हार मैं हुं नां...
खोया है पाके जीसने प्यार मैं हुं नां...
बेचैन मैं हुं, बेकरार मैं हुं नां...

This has been a very typical song I have heard many times during my flights to and from New Delhi...
My iPhone has very limited songs in its iPod compartment and as such, I am not a great fan of music listening while doing anything or nothing... But when I am traveling and have to kill the surrounding noise, I listen to some of these songs...

The song above is almost at the end of the playlist and which coincidently coincides with my waking up time when flight is about to land...

So few times, I listened to this song and I was somehow impressed with its lyrics... Though its a sad song, Javed Akhtar has done a great job in writing it. I am not a fan of Javed and on the contrary, I dont like him for some of his preconceived notions about Gujarat government... But, I like his skills in bringing out emotions and sentiments in songs he writes... Abhijit also did great in bringing out the pain of the song and Anu Malik made the correct choice for Abhijit's voice. Sonu would have just failed here...

Thanks to P for getting me a link to this lyrics and thanks to Yogi to get me a link of the actual song.

Who does not agree???

Now you know why I am always occupied... No, I am not occupied these days... So you know what I am upto!

A year before...

Last year, on this day, April 13 (2007), I boarded Singapore Airlines flight from Ahmedabad to LA via Singapore... I landed Singapore next morning at 8am and before catching an evening flight to LA, I attended a meeting and spent some time with the Dings at airport. This 10hrs stay was my shortest stay in Singapore and at that time the shortest visit to any country.

Initial days in LA were very hectic and demanding but equally enjoyable. It was this time during which one of the friends introduced me to Starbucks' Java Chip...

I had a project trip to San Jose and I extended it to spend some time with Palak and Prashant.  I took an Amtrak train journey from San Jose on my way back to LA... IMG_7341
San Jose Railway Station... from where I boarded Amtrak train to LA...

And the lunch Palak packed for me... It was very delicious... (I know its girls who show their food in their blogs but this was a special lunch and Palak knows why this picture is here, rt???)

This was a very interesting journey for me where I could see the country side of California. Oh, I also "witnessed" a gay couple getting intimate in this train journey...

From LA, I had a quick trip to Atlanta and then to New Jersey. I was destined to be in Nairobi (Kenya) in the first week of May 2007 and I flew Emirates Airways in this trip. I boarded the flight from New York and the flight was very comfortable. Each seat had its own power plug along with USB socket and the crew was very cooperative... They upgraded me to First Class on my Dubai-Nairobi sector when they accidentally served me food with onions in it...

My Nairobi trip was very productive and interesting... It was some of my best moments I have been blessed with and I will never forget those moments...

I had an impromptu visit to Kampala (Uganda) which became my shortest trip to any country... I landed in Uganda's Entebbe airport at 12:30 afternoon, drove to Kampala for 45 min ride, had a meeting for few hours and drove down back to Entebbe airport at 5pm and flight took off at 8pm... yielding me a shortest stay of 7:30hrs in Uganda...

After returning from Nairobi to US, my schedule remained very hectic for few months. Couple of more projects got added to the list and my stay kept on extending...

Aargee, KB and Kunal also came down to US for their projects and Jainesh joined us from New Zealand for a convention in Jacksonville. Mitulbhai was also in Jacksonville for the convention and it was a great reunion of all gang members and we had a great fun...

On the night I came back to Atlanta, I had a severe chest pain which later forced me to undergo a radioactive stress test in Toronto. Due to this radioactive test, I was stopped at Canada-US borders at Niagara Falls and was interrogated by an officer for almost an hour...

For the timely completion of all installations, Yogesh joined me in the first week of August. Bhavesh Orlando was already helping me in Atlanta project and our three members team had a lot to finish in short time...
Bhavesh, Yogesh and Pinesh outside Pinesh's house in Atlanta... 

We also attended an international convention in Las Vegas and won two iPhones there :) From Las Vegas, we had a day trip to Grand Canyon before flying to Toronto. IMG_7590
The road to Grand Canyon...

And The Great Grand Canyon itself... 

Stay in Toronto was very demanding and equally exciting. We had a great support from local volunteers and it was the best team of entire trip... All team members were very committed for the timely completion of the project...
Few of Toronto team members...

Yogesh at Niagara Falls, Canada side.

After Toronto, we went back to NJ via Chicago. Yogesh left back for India and I left for LA. On my way back India, I stopped over Singapore for few days.
Dinner in Singapore with Sensorlink team and the Dings.

The duo pausing with Sanjaybhai's kid... Doing net practice???!!!

From Singapore, I reached back to India on Nov 8, just a day before Diwali... The trip which was supposed to be of few months, got extended for almost 8 months...

Its 35 mins past midnight of 13th and tomorrow (today) being a birthday of Lord Swaminarayan, its a no-water fast for us... I am about to take my doze of Omeprazole for preventing any acid reflux tonight and whole day tomorrow, Diominic DA for my sinusitis congestion and Alprazolam for an uneventful sleep tonight... Hopefully, I should be doing good tomorrow.

What a day...

While using iTunes in recent past, I was ignoring the upgrade message it used to display during the startup. I just did not want to download new version of iTunes. But last night, I saw Safari browser on Akshar's computer and its interface impressed me at the first look. I have been using Safari on my iPhone and thus, I was somewhat aware about this browser from Apple which Apple asks to download alongwith iTunes. To give it a try on my laptop, I scheduled its download last night. This morning, iTunes was updated to the latest version and it has been more or less the same as before. But Safari browser looks very cool!.
Of course, its Apple interface and people who are not exposed to Apple might feel this browser little difficult at the beginning. The browser is a bit slow then Firefox and Internet Explorer but it may be because of default plug-ins it comes with. I will give it a try for few days and will see if I should replace it as my default browser. Some things which I am impressed about this browser is its interface and the smoothness of the character rendering. It is soothing and appealing to read on this browser. While Internet Explorer does offer this feature, its rendering is not as good as Safari. While Firefox has been always my choice of browser for its simplicity and manageability, its Unicode rendering has some flaws. This compels me to keep IE on my machine as its Unicode rendering is very good.

This browser comes with few default bookmarks and one of them was for Apple site. On Apple site, I found few interesting games for iPhone and I then used my iPhone's installer utility to search for any interesting games/utilities recently released for iPhone. I came across a game called "Parking Lot" from
At first, I thought it must be some simple puzzle game and indeed in the beginning it like that. But then each new level got more and more interesting and challenging that I ended up spending five hours (with lots of breaks in between) playing this game. I faced real challenge only in last three levels but this game is really addictive. Of course, I am not going to play it one more time but indeed this is very interesting game. Had it been augmented with good sound effects, it would have been further cool.

Another game I keep on playing on my iPhone is the favorite Tetris... When I was in ISRO, one of the engineers there always used to play Tetris on DOS and he was fanatic about it. But I never was tempted to play it. Tetris was one of the early games available on iPhone and I had downloaded it earlier.
This game has become a favorite time pass for me whenever either I am traveling or whenever I don't want to do anything (as if I ever want to do anything!)...

So, I better EOB and have a spell of Tetris before calling a day...

(Be) The change...

I had been on a special assignment for last two days and I was far away from Internet whole all day along. After checking my mails in morning, I could log on to Internet only after I returned late night.  Tonight, I returned a bit earlier and still with some energy and mood to jot down something here while parallel processing other tasks. I realized that I was less in stress, less in tension and the time passed by very smoothly even though I was away from my lifeline... Seems this was an interesting change to experience for me.

Talking about the change, may be a week or so back, I came to know that many Indian Americans seem to be liking Obama more than Clinton... Till now, I always had an idea that Hillary is very popular in Indian Americans and most Indian Americans in America would vote for her. But to my surprise, Tishwa and Dr A like Obama then Hillary... While I have no intention into going into any political debate on this issue, I just remembered this because of the "CHANGE".

Talking about the change, this evening, I spent some time with Kamlesh. Kamlesh has been a long time volunteer and he had been very helpful to all of us during our New Delhi stay. He not only helped us in providing best food, he managed our travel bookings, laundry pickup/drop and and what not. He shifted to Gandhinagar two years back and since then, he is assisting Manishbhai in taking care of Premvati. He got married few months back and he feels that his life has changed completely... Earlier, he used to be on site till even 10pm/11pm and never needed to worry about anything and everything in his life... After someone became part of his life, much of his time goes in thinking about her, understanding her needs and meeting her expectations... Now, the moment his work is over on campus, he does not loose even a minute in reach home! Everyone has noticed this positive change in his life and we all are very happy about him.

This evening, he fed me so much of ice cream that now, both my nostrils are blocked even after pouring Otrivin - Xylometazoline Hydrochloride nasal drops in them... The nose has become runny but the congestion is still there. I am advised for a CT scan to check the spread of this congestion so that my ENT Dr can decide on surgery need. I am also asked to get my eye sight checked and eye powers confirmed to see if it too contributes to my headache.

Anyway, me better finish this entry here and spend my time in finishing other important tasks...

The social networking...

Ever since I heard of these social networking sites and especially all those abuses happening on those sites, I have been always scared of these sites. I feel very unfit for such networks and despite repeated requests from some of friends, I had been always avoiding even to register to such sites... I remember many years back Anna sent me an invite for Orkut and as it being part of Google, I just logged in to see what exactly it has been. With Dr A, Nishant and Anna being there on my friends list, I hardly even remember that I have that account. When Akshar started being frequent on Orkut, I had a hard time educating him about this stuff...

Just now, I received an invite from Katrina for Facebook and I was very confused on what to do about it. One of my friends is working for Facebook and he is very respected in the industry. So, taking that as an excuse to see what Facebook is actually about, I accepted the invitation and created an account. Forward linking through some of the stuff on that page, I was shocked to see many of known people and many of known group activities happening on this network... I am not against them and I have no problems with whatever is happening there but its very clear that I am not fit for this... I just feel very awkward being there... a kind of very strange feeling as if I am doing something terribly wrong...

It seems these social networking sites have become part and partial of the new generation kids... I remember that once, Yogi told me that he came across my profile on Orkut and Dattu left some "scrap" on my profile and he was upset that I had not responded to his scrap... He further told me that to receive many scraps is like a status symbol and people on those networks look at you with admiration if your friends count is in four digits... I just dont understand this... How can one have 1000+ friends???

Anyway, no need to talk about it so late... Better to EOB now...

Another great confusion...

During my US trip in 2003, I needed a camera which was capable enough of quality photography and at the same time not very expensive. Canon had released 300D few months back and it was getting good reviews. I had come across during those days and I had read some comparison of Canon DSLRs with Nikon ones. After much thinking and evaluating pros and cons for both Canon and Nikon, I decided to go for Canon.
It was Nov 17th of 2003 when me and Darshan went to B&H in Manhattan for a first hand experience with 300D and if it suited, to buy it.
Nicknamed as Digital Rebel, 300D looked very gorgeous and appealing from the moment the store guy pulled it out of the showcase. It was kinda love at first sight and I ended up buying it along with a battery grip, two additional batteries and EOS420 flash. So, I was now fully equipped for good and serious photography. Further reviews, Image quality and availability of lenses never made me regret my decision to go for Canon and especially this camera.

Below are some of early pictures with these camera during that trip...

Ipsita in her room... It was my first natural light indoor portrait shot...

Palak, Ipsita and me went to Golden Gate bridge... It was overcast day and I was inexperienced that time to avoid this under exposure.. 

My first tongue-out portrait! He is a son of a friend in Chicago...

My first snowing of US... Its Mitulbhai's house and the tiny girl there is Bansarididi...

Now, after almost five years of faithful service, this camera still produces stunning images... With its 6MP resolution, this camera still does wonder. Below are some of the recent ones taken with this camera...
An Amtrak journey from San Jose to LA...

Hoover dam! We were on our way to Grand Canyon from Las Vegas and stopped by to take this pic...

The Great Grand Canyon! We were lucky to reach there on time to get such favorable lighting condition...

Mystery Spot near Santa Cruz, CA... Its indeed a mystery spot and worth visiting it to believe it...

HDB Flats of Singapore... People say Singapore is my second home...

The green! I like the green this "consumer" level camera produces...

The duo... They were dressed same from top to bottom...And what is she holding??? :)

Now you must be wondering how come I have written so much about this camera... and if you did think so, you are correct!
Yes, I am thinking to get another camera. Actually, I had made up my mind to get one during my last trip in US but when I came to know about Canon's plan to release third upgrade to this camera, I decided to wait for a while.
This February, Canon introduced 450D nicknamed Digital Rebel XSi after 350D (Rebel XT) and 400D (Rebel XTi). 450D is 12.5MP camera with tonnes of features one would want in <$1000 price range. It also has a live view for those girlish photographers who can not use viewfinder... It has a latest digic processor which is expected to have a very good image quality and very minimum noise even at higher ISO... Some early results of this camera are very satisfying and its planned to hit the market in April end.
Now, about the confusion I mentioned as the title of this blog...
Canon introduced 40D - a semi-pro level camera in Aug 2007 and is indeed a professional camera with advanced focusing system and bigger and professional body with a thumb wheel at the back of the body and what not.
There can simply be no comparison between 40D and 450D because they both are just different. Though 40D is 10MP camera, its 10MP are better quality pixels then 450D's are. Price wise, 40D body is listed at around $1100 and the cost will reach $1500 with a kit lens and a battery grip with additional batteries.
What I am confused about is that shall I buy 40D or 450D?
Reasons to buy 40D are:
1. Professional camera and will produce professional results.
2. Show-off... especially in an important function, 40D will create a space for you in the crowd of any Nikonians or Rebelians...
3. Entry into real professional photography (as if I have a time and opportunity for that)
Reasons to buy 450D are:
1. Small body and the way I handle my gadgets, less cost to repair the damage to this camera then the other one...
2. Additional 2MP to blow some golden moments little larger...
3. Latest digic processor (though don't know how better it is)
So, can you help me get rid of this confusion? Please?


I distinctly remember that day of 1986 when I had an option to choose either to become a doctor or to become an engineer and my fascination for computers influenced me to what I am today. But my thirst and quest for medicine has never died out not just out of curiosity to learn more but purely because of the need... Just for example, since last couple of days, I have been spending lots of time in reading and understanding about Alprazolam...

Of course, I am not chemist that I would know anything about these carbon rings or 3D molecule structure or I can even explain the composition of Alprazolam. But the fact that it can influence the brain so much has made me so excited to learn about it. I believe that in past few days, I have gathered enough information about this drug... The reason? Very simple - I am taking this drug these days and its really acting on me.
Since last two mornings, I wake up at 10:30am - 2 hours late than my scheduled wake up time... I don't feel like doing anything all the day and whenever I get a chance, I go back to sleep... This afternoon, after brunch, instead of going to office, I came upstairs in my room and again went to sleep till 4pm. In between, phone calls made me awake and some email reminders forced me to look at my laptop screens few times... Even though I have tonnes of work to do, I just don't feel like doing anything. Even in office, I did nothing except few phone calls here and there and chitchatting with fellow friends...

Even now, though I have few phone calls to make, I am no enthusiastic about it at all... Instead of 5mg, I am trying 2mg Alprazolam tonight and see how it makes me feel tomorrow... Surprisingly, Cefuroxime or Dicloxacin have not upset my stomach and Rabeprazole has kept my acid reflux in control. I still take DynaPar - Diclofenac Sodium + Paracetamol for my tooth surgery and Rabeprazole is doing great for this analgesic too.

Oh, talking about drugs reminded me about Dr A...

I wanted to appreciate Dr A for participating in a social service voluntarily. Its very self satisfying when you help others and especially to the needy ones... You feel an inner happiness and that inner happiness drives you further for more such services... You get a feeing of achieving something when you help those deprived ones... You see gratitude in their eyes and that gratitude make us humble... We thrive to remain humble because that humbleness also brings happiness within... When you extend your selfless help to the needy one, you are overpowering your own evil instincts and that feel of freedom just needs to be experienced... it can never be explained...

Its 15 mins to midnight and 15 mins back, I had a dose of Alprazolam... My eyes are getting heavy and before I have to pore coffee drops in my eyes to keep them open, I better EOB now...

Intentional RCT...

For those dental experts, this title would nothing be abnormal but when I heard my dentist talking about this, I was a bit taken aback.

My understanding of RCT - Root Canal Treatment is the treatment to force die the nerves of that specific tooth so that the tooth remains no more sensitive and this treatment is applied to that tooth which can not be cured by any other means - light cure filling, cement filling or even crown implant.

Couple of week back, I had underwent the sidewall filling for Upper Right 6. Since it was superficial filling, my dentist decided for the composite filling. As composite filling does not require much for tooth preparation, it just took less then 10 minutes to finish this filling. After the fliiling, I was hoping to be relived from this sensitivity problem but next morning, I had a terrible pain and increased sensitivity at certain points of that tooth.

The dentist decided to go for amalgam filling and as it requires a bit more time for tooth preparation, it took around 20 mins to finish this treatment. Since he wanted to see the results, he did not finish the surface of the filling and put me under observation for two days. The sensitivity increased almost 5 times of that before any filling and the pain by 10 times. He then scrapped the recent filling and put me on metronidazole ointment to reduce the pain to normal so that he can do any further surgery on it.

As I had enough with this, I sought the help of an expert. On Oct 01 of 2006, I had an expert advice from Dr. Mansi about my last tooth surgery about the impacted tooth removal in Sep 2006. I had blogged about it on MSN here... She came down this evening to our dentistry and had a look at my tooth... She did some tests and felt that I am a 1 out of 10000 cases with a very hyper sensitivity. She ruled out the case of lingual nerve damage as only UR6 had hyper sensitivity. All three dentists discussed possible options to solve this hypersensitivity and they all agreed for a "intentional root canal treatment".

Dr. Mansi said that it would be one sitting RCT and it can be over in an hour or so with no downtime for me afterward. I agreed to go for this surgery and then she started showing her skills on my tooth... First she injected local anesthesia at three places near UR6 and waited for it to be effective. Then she drilled UR6 in center and created a cavity wide enough that she could see all three canals... then using #20 and smaller files, she started manually drilling holes in those canals and that was the most time consuming period... Pulp started coming out and after about 30 mins, all canals were ready for next procedure. She then cleaned these canals and placed special cones in them. She then sealed these cones with some medicate "cement" and then placed permanent cement on the cavity to seal the tooth. She then filed the surface to give a smooth and natural finishing to the tooth. She was very caring and gentle through out this surgery and she used her tools very delicately on my tooth. Thank you very much Dr. Mansi. I wish you only extract my UR8 which is hanging useless since few years... but such surgery is underutilization of your skills.... Thanks again.

She did not prescribe me any medicine as some of painkillers for my sinusitis treatment will help me for this surgery too. My ENT specialist has prescribed me Cefuroxime Axetil 250mg 2D, Ampicilin+Dicloxacilin 500mg 2D, Rhinostat Plus 2D, Levocetrizine D 2D, Alprazolam .5mg 1D (I dont know why he prescribed me Alprazolam...) and Rabeprazole Sodium with Mosapride Citrate SR 1D... Cefuroxime is the antibiotic I have never tried and lets hope it would work for me. All remaining medicines have been in my blood in past at least once!

Alprazolam is showing its effect on me and my eyes are getting heavy now... So, let me call it EOB now!

One more Loyalty Shift?

It was an impromptu decision this evening that we would be hanging out somewhere before Katrina flies back to London tomorrow early morning. Since Dr A and Katrina already had their dinner done somewhere, we went to Subway - only place I where I can eat till even this place shuts down for me. Kunal and Viral were already there and we soon were joined by Ghanny... We had our subs there and then we decided to hang out at Cafe Coffee Day... the competitor of Barista! And thats how the loyalty shift occurred!
ccdlogo IMG_0185
CCD has better drinks to offer and is less in cost then Barista... It seems to have better and comfortable sittings and its interior is much appealing then Barista's.
Even its drinks look much temptive and large in size and rich in content. I ordered Frappe and it was very smooth and tasted very similar to frappucino of Starbucks... Another difference in CCD is that the waiter comes to your table to take your order and drinks are delivered to the table. Of course, the service was a bit unprofessional and slow compared to Barista but the quality of drinks outperformed this shortcoming.
We had a great fun all the time! You will notice in this picture that we were so colorful too... And another fact about this hangout - Katrina is Latvian British, Anuja is Indian American, Viral is British, Kunal and Ghanny are Amdavaadis!!! So this was like a multinational hangout... In case above picture is too much funny, here goes the normal one...

For a Barista loyal like me, this loyalty shift was not unacceptable at all. Of course, nearest CCD for me is a kilometer further then Barista and CCD does not offer that type of peaceful corner I have in Barista where I can sit for hours and do some real and serious work from... So, despite all positives of CCD, I think I will retain my loyalty to Barista.... yea, I don't compromise my loyalties that easily!
So, since I said so much about CCD, I have to win back Barista somehow and what other best way can be then these pic???
This happened on Saturday evening when me and Dr A were planned to hang out at Barista. I had promised Viral earlier about a dinner at Subway and Dr A joined us there. Shruti, Katrina and Riddhi joined us at Barista afterward and we had some great fun during this hangout also... Viral was introduced to Katrnia as "Victor Mugabe - grandson of President Mugabe of Zimbabwe". Unfortunately, Viral could not hold his laugh for more than half of this story and Katrina now does not trust me even if I am damn serious about anything... :) Dr A as usual was instant in joining any pranks and it was fun listening to Shruti's Gujarati mixed English... While we enjoyed on what happens when P gets pregnant and some of ISRO adventures, we left nothing to pull each other's legs... You will notice in above picture that it was almost closing time for Barista as the shutters were closed... Even after we were ejected from Barista, we kept on having fun outside Barista till 1am... It was indeed a great evening for all of us.