Where there is a brain, there is a headache...

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned about my sinusitis problem. I am suffering with a severe morning headache since few months and it completely ruins off my morning puja. My Dr felt that I am suffering from Sinusitis and I had undergone a treatment for that. There wasn't much improvement and after the treatment finished, the headache reoccurred in few days.

Few days back, I had consulted ENT specialist and he had prescribed me a little different treatment. There was no substantial change in the headache... So, he finally asked me to undergo CT scan of my head and here are the scans...
As you can see, my right maxillary sinus is showing off but it is not very severe. You will also notice on this scan that my left nostril wall is so full of congestion... which is also visible in a scan below.
In this can, you can see my septum is a bit deviated and my ENT Dr has suggested Septoplasty but I am not going for it...

Looking at other all different Tomography results, ENT Dr suspected something else as a cause for the headache and asked me to get my eye powers checked...

I underwent the test on Saturday and the ophthalmologist first checked the power using computer and then getting a hint from the machine, he manually checked both eyes. He also checked eye pressure for any doubt of Glaucoma. To my surprise, my eye powers have changed from + to - and he advised me to change my glasses. The change is not that drastic that I should have such severe headache but lets give it a chance...

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