One more Loyalty Shift?

It was an impromptu decision this evening that we would be hanging out somewhere before Katrina flies back to London tomorrow early morning. Since Dr A and Katrina already had their dinner done somewhere, we went to Subway - only place I where I can eat till even this place shuts down for me. Kunal and Viral were already there and we soon were joined by Ghanny... We had our subs there and then we decided to hang out at Cafe Coffee Day... the competitor of Barista! And thats how the loyalty shift occurred!
ccdlogo IMG_0185
CCD has better drinks to offer and is less in cost then Barista... It seems to have better and comfortable sittings and its interior is much appealing then Barista's.
Even its drinks look much temptive and large in size and rich in content. I ordered Frappe and it was very smooth and tasted very similar to frappucino of Starbucks... Another difference in CCD is that the waiter comes to your table to take your order and drinks are delivered to the table. Of course, the service was a bit unprofessional and slow compared to Barista but the quality of drinks outperformed this shortcoming.
We had a great fun all the time! You will notice in this picture that we were so colorful too... And another fact about this hangout - Katrina is Latvian British, Anuja is Indian American, Viral is British, Kunal and Ghanny are Amdavaadis!!! So this was like a multinational hangout... In case above picture is too much funny, here goes the normal one...

For a Barista loyal like me, this loyalty shift was not unacceptable at all. Of course, nearest CCD for me is a kilometer further then Barista and CCD does not offer that type of peaceful corner I have in Barista where I can sit for hours and do some real and serious work from... So, despite all positives of CCD, I think I will retain my loyalty to Barista.... yea, I don't compromise my loyalties that easily!
So, since I said so much about CCD, I have to win back Barista somehow and what other best way can be then these pic???
This happened on Saturday evening when me and Dr A were planned to hang out at Barista. I had promised Viral earlier about a dinner at Subway and Dr A joined us there. Shruti, Katrina and Riddhi joined us at Barista afterward and we had some great fun during this hangout also... Viral was introduced to Katrnia as "Victor Mugabe - grandson of President Mugabe of Zimbabwe". Unfortunately, Viral could not hold his laugh for more than half of this story and Katrina now does not trust me even if I am damn serious about anything... :) Dr A as usual was instant in joining any pranks and it was fun listening to Shruti's Gujarati mixed English... While we enjoyed on what happens when P gets pregnant and some of ISRO adventures, we left nothing to pull each other's legs... You will notice in above picture that it was almost closing time for Barista as the shutters were closed... Even after we were ejected from Barista, we kept on having fun outside Barista till 1am... It was indeed a great evening for all of us.


anuja said...

Thanks for putting up such 'lovely' pics of us hanging out... especially the last one with us looking on as if the camera is about to burst open:)
Anyways, Had a great time! And no kudos to you for calling me Indian American.. you so want to shove me out of the Amdavadi club...

Nothing Official Here said...

Dr Saheb! Thanks for joining us in the fun... Of course you do fit into Amdavadi club but you have an additional qualifier which overshadows your being Amdavaadi...